Editorial note: Welcome to Kasia Figiel, Sage Research Methods Community Manager

The Sage team is thrilled to welcome back Kasia Figiel as community manager for SRM Community. Kasia previously spent five years on the Sage Research Methods editorial team, rising to the position of Publisher over the suite. During her time, she helped shape several collections, including Doing Research Online, Business, and Diversifying & Decolonizing Research.

Kasia currently serves as Deputy CEO of the Work Rights Centre, a charity dedicated to helping migrants in the UK access employment justice and improve their mobility.

As part of her work on this site, she will be coordinating blog posts and webinars. We look forward to sharing our 2025 plans with you.  


Essential new content on Sage Research Methods platform – 2024 round up


Introducing Responsible Conduct of Research program from Epigeum