Methods Minute Newsletter
Your monthly methods roundup brought to you by Sage.
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Write and Disseminate
October 2023
In 2023, academic writers are facing unique challenges, which is why we've extended our Academic Writing Month focus to three months of intensive writing, presenting, and disseminating research. From October through December, Methodspace will be your hub for a treasure trove of resources and insights. Embrace the spirit of #AcWriMo and join us as we delve into topics beyond the fundamentals of writing, exploring motivation, organization, project completion, and much more.
This month on Methodspace we will explore global perspectives on cultural dimensions of research. Culture involves shared ways of thinking and understanding. Insiders who share those ways and outsiders who don’t. Where do researchers fit… and how can they develop cultural competence needed to conduct research as outsiders?
This month on Methodspace we will focus on research ethics. While ethical theories and principles endure, we need to rethink how they apply today. We are in a time of rapid change, with a global pandemic, evolving technologies, and increasing awareness of cultural sensitivities and social justice issues.
This month, the Methodspace focus is on studying generations, research with children, youth, or elderly participants
In this month’s series, Methodspace will look how can and should researchers change their approaches to study social problems in a rapidly shifting milieu
In this month’s series, Methodspace will look at qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluation and how to develop relationships with gatekeepers.
Research occurs in many settings by people with a wide range of backgrounds; from empirical studies conducted in research institutes or NGOs to marketing and product research and development within businesses.
As researchers, how can we be sensitive when interacting with traumatized participants or find appropriate and reliable sources of data? In this March 2022 series, Methodspace offers practical suggestions from experienced researchers.
In this February 2022 series, Methodspace explores how to cross disciplinary boundaries and think like designers to conduct relevant and innovative research.
In January, our focus was on research questions and ways qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods researchers think about research questions.
We focused on methodologies, the why of research, and methods, the how of research throughout the month of February.
SAGE author and Mentor-in-Residence, Dr. Cheryl Poth walks us through designing an ethical study.
Qualitative or quantitative methods that involve questioning, prompting, or working with participants to collect or generate data. Our Mentor-in-Residence for April was Dr. Zina O’Leary, author of SAGE’s new Doing Your Research Project textbook.
Our May focus was on different options researchers have when conducting a project using documents or datasets – whether directly interacting with participants or using Big Data. We explored these possibilities, while sorting extant data for online research into three categories; historical, contemporary and emergent.
In June’s Methods Minute we focused on researcher interviews, open-access and library resources about qualitative and quantitative methods for collecting data online.
This month’s series on has resources on the topics of analyzing words, images, media, numbers, and large datasets.
Including a video interview with our August Mentors-in-Residence and authors of SAGE’s new book, Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research: After the interview.
September posts explore ways to teach and guide researchers at the data analysis stage of the research journey.
The last three months of the year are focused on reporting findings and sharing lessons learned.
Exploring the one goal all academic writers have in common — making progress.
In the digital age, researchers need to go a step further to find new readers and achieve impact. Methodspace will show you how to create engaging visual messages that stand out amidst the information overload.
This month Methodspace focuses on collaboration. With a shared commitment to goals and a synergistic process, a group can accomplish something difficult for an individual to accomplish. How can co-researchers and co-authors overcome obstacles and work together?