Gather Your Data Online: New SAGE Campus Course
From Book to Course
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I wrote a short but substantive book called Gather Your Data Online. It offers an introduction to multiple types of online data collection, and key steps necessary necessary for designing ethical, do-able studies. When SAGE invited me to make the book into a course, I had the opportunity to bring Gather Your Data Online to life. I wanted the course to be useful for busy researchers, whether they are students or experienced researchers new to doing research online.
There are 6 modules in this course:
What types of data collection can I conduct online?
How do I choose which types of online data collection fit my research?
How can I get permission to use data that exists online?
How can I find and gain consent from participants online?
How can I interact with participants to conduct interviews, surveys, or questionnaires?
How do I prepare to start my online research?
This course offers straightforward explanations, and asks participants to engage with the material through hands-on exercises and online activities. It is designed for self-study, but would fit in a class, or as a study project with a small group. It can be completed start to finish, or you can dip into a relevant module to gain background and skills on a just-in-time basis. If you teach methods or supervise student researchers, you can assign specific modules or embed the material into your course. I hope you will take a look!
See a related interview with me about the project here.
How do SAGE Campus courses work?
All SAGE Campus courses are fully self-paced (meaning there’s no start date!). You can take a free module whenever you want; simply go to the demo hub and scroll down to find the ‘Gather Your Data Online’ free module (it’s 3rd in the list). You can try free modules from all other courses if you’d like!
The full course is available via institutional access only – meaning your academic institution needs to subscribe, purchase or have a trial with SAGE Campus to get full access to all our courses. If you like the free modules and want to access the full course/s, recommend SAGE Campus to your library via this form or ask your librarian rep to get in touch with us directly at to speed up the process!