Creating a graphical abstract for your next paper
New research papers are being published every day. In fact, 2.6 million papers are published every year. But let's face it; nobody has the time to read abstract after abstract to dig out what you need from all the papers out there. So how can we digest a large amount of information in a shorter span of time? Here's where “graphical abstracts” come in to make every researcher’s life easier.
Graphical Abstract Examples
Academia has a problem. Seven thousand papers are published every day and let’s face it; no one has the time to read abstract after abstract to find the research that they’re seeking.Here’s where Graphical Abstracts come in. A graphical abstract is a visual summary of a written abstract, aiming to quickly and clearly convey the key message.
Create Graphical Abstracts to Reach New Audiences
Creative methods for research dissemination are expanding. Graphical abstracts help readers find and understand research.