This April be expansive: Research beyond academia
A new month means a new theme!
In 2022 we have an overarching focus on research relevance. We are exploring ways that we can make more meaningful contributions as researchers. What real problems do we need to understand? How can we combat disinformation by offering research-based solutions? What learning experiences will help develop future researchers who can make a difference?
So far, we’ve examined the role and practice of scholarly journals for research communications, we’ve ventured outside of disciplinary boundaries, and ventured beyond our comfort zones to consider sensitive or controversial topics. In April we will look at research activities outside of academia.
There are two big reasons to look at research outside of academia. The first is that by understanding where and how research occurs we might discover new career opportunities or options. The second is that we might discover new collaborative partners, including practitioners or citizen scientists. Undoubtedly we will find more benefits this month!
Research Diaspora
Most researchers start with training in an academic setting, usually a Masters or doctoral program. Some remain in academia, but not all. Some disperse to research institutes, businesses, governmental and non-governmental agencies, foundations, nonprofit organizations and charities where they carry out research. Some researchers and scholars choose to work independently, forgoing affiliation with an educational institution or other organization. Some apply research skills in evaluation - which will be the Methodspace theme in May. Follow Methodspace on Twitter @SAGE_Methods or check back for new content throughout the month, including video interviews, open-access articles, and original posts.
A new month means a new Mentor in Residence!
Dr. Helen Kara, an experienced independent researcher and scholar, will serve as our Mentor in Residence this month. In addition to discussing opportunities and challenges associated with independent work, she will discuss her new book, Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers. Use the code MSPACEQ222 for a discount when you purchase her books from SAGE Publishing.
Dr. Kara is a regular Methodspace contributor, as you can see from the posts listed below.
Caroline Lenette offered a keynote address at the International Creative Research Methods conference, September 2023. See the address and learn about the 2024 conference here.