Working with Your Publisher
Logo for Textbook and Academic Authors Association
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Abstract, the Textbook and Academic Authors Association (TAA) open access blog, offers advice for writers who want to cultivate a positive relationship with their editors and publisher. Here are some thoughtful posts:
Cultivating a relationship with a publisher; sooner rather than later
Most academics and authors want to have a productive relationship with a publisher or publishers. It eases the road ahead and makes the process less mysterious. A good (or dare I say great) relationship with a publisher will also give an academic market knowledge about their chosen area of authorship and its readers. But how do you go about cultivating such a relationship?
Forming a publisher relationship: 6 Strategies for building rapport
What if you just aren’t ready to take the plunge and submit a proposal yet? You can still take constructive action by building relationships with higher education publishers through working on smaller projects.
Forming a publisher relationship: 3 Steps for submitting your project
How do you successfully connect with higher education publishers and make it easy for them to understand your project’s value?
Publishers: Getting to know you
Book publishing is the long game. Thinking of publishing in a short-term way will likely either get you discouraged or frustrated.
Printing is not publishing – what to look for in a publisher relationship
Due to an increase in availability of print-on-demand services that provide lower-cost alternatives for converting a manuscript into a printed and bound product, there is growing confusion among new authors about what constitutes the role of a publisher. Although many publishers and printing companies have symbiotic relationships, publishing companies provide much more than simply printing and binding of a manuscript.