Modern Modeling Methods Conference Seeks Papers

The Modern Modeling Methods (M3) conference is an interdisciplinary conference designed to showcase the latest modeling methods and to present research related to these methodologies. The 7th annual M3 conference will be held May 22nd-25th at the University of Connecticut.Our keynote speakers for the 2017 conference include Steven Boker (UVA) and Kenneth A. Bollen (UNC). In addition, Boker will conduct a full day pre-conference workshop on May 22 on dynamic SEM. Bollen will offer a half day post-conference workshop on May 25 on model implied instrumental variables using MIIVsem. In addition, Craig Enders will offer a three hour session on May 24 on multiple imputation for multilevel data. There is no additional charge to attend the featured double session- it is open to all conference attendees.We are currently soliciting presentations- we welcome both methodological research papers and papers that illustrate novel applications of methodological techniques in the area of modeling, broadly defined. Papers related to multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, mixture modeling, longitudinal modeling, and item response theory are especially encouraged. Given the interdisciplinary focus of the conference, it is completely acceptable to present papers that have been published or presented elsewhere. Presenters may select the length of the session that they prefer: 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 90 minutes.  We also welcome proposals for multi-paper symposia on thematically grouped topics. Generally, symposia sessions will be 90 minutes in length. Finally, there is a poster session and reception at the end of the first day of the conference, and we are seeking submissions for the poster session. Graduate students are also encouraged to submit proposals, especially for the poster session.Conference proposals for the Modern Modeling Methods conference may fall into one (or more) of four categories: Methodological Innovation, Methodological Application, Methodological Illustration, or Methodological Evaluation. Methodological Innovation proposals introduce a new technique. Methodological Evaluation proposals present the results of empirical research evaluating a methodology. Most often, these will involve simulation studies. Methodological Application proposals present the methods and results of a real research study in which the technique was used. Methodological Illustration proposals provide a pedagogical illustration of when and how to use the technique; these papers are designed to help the audience be able to implement the technique themselves.There are three different types of presentations: Paper sessions (in which authors submit a paper), Symposia (in which a group of authors submit a set of related talks/papers), and posters. Methodological Research paper proposals should be no longer than 1000 words and should include purpose, background, methods, results, discussion, and significance. Methodological Illustration paper proposals should be no longer than 1,000 words and should include a description of the methodology to be illustrated as well as an outline of the paper/talk. Proposals for symposia should be include titles, authors, and brief descriptions/abstracts for all of the paper presentations within the symposium. Symposium proposals may be longer than 1000 words if needed, but they should be less than 2000 words. Proposals for the poster session need only submit an abstract: the 1000 word proposal is not required for poster session proposals.Proposals for the 2017 conference are due February 1, 2017. Notifications of presentation status will be emailed by February 18.All proposals should be submitted electronically at the MMM website.  The proposal submission portal is available at . For more information about the conference, please go to .


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