Sage Concept Grants: Protolyst

Protolyst is one of the 5 winners of the £2,000 Sage Concept Grant in 2023.

Richard Barnes, CEO, Protolyst
Dr Nicholas Dacre, Associate Professor of Project Management, University of Southampton

Protolyst CEO Richard Barnes, and Dr Nicholas Dacre director of the Advanced Project Management Research Centre (APROM) at the University of Southampton are delighted to have secured a Sage Concept Grant to broaden the awareness of the platform and to offer workshops focused on knowledge management and data analysis skills. 

Protolyst is a networked note taking and qualitative analysis web app, where you can collect and organise individual highlights from your resources through data coding. With Protolyst, you can seamlessly collect and organise individual highlights from your resources through data coding. Users have the flexibility to highlight data snippets from interview transcripts, meeting notes, and academic papers, and link them to a network of labels representing themes and concepts. Thanks to the adaptable system that is customisable to your research needs, it’s easy to navigate and reconfigure your data. This allows for comprehensive and in-depth analyses without the necessity for extensive training or programming skills, enabling you to save time and focus on drawing meaningful conclusions and insights.

What problem does it solve?

Protolyst transforms complex data analysis into an intuitive everyday tool for researchers. Qualitative analysis has always been a challenge for social scientists, who are often faced with volumes of unstructured, heterogeneous data. They have previously had to rely on limited and rigid software tools that fail to provide the level of flexibility and adaptability required for efficient and accurate analysis,  resulting in a time-consuming and complex process that hinders the progress and quality of research.

How can I try it?

You can get started with Protolyst straight away. By joining a workshop, you'll learn how to effortlessly navigate and organise your data, but also actively contribute to ensuring Protolyst becomes more intuitive, powerful, and aligned with your needs. Sign up for a workshop today!


Sage Concept Grants: BigKnowledge


Sage Concept Grants: Annotiva