Introducing the Concept Grants from Sage Teaching category winner: MERL
Introducing the Teaching category winner for the 2024 Concept Grants from Sage: The Media Education Research Lab (MERL) at UC Berkeley develops tools and methods to teach students how to critically assess diversity in film and television, promoting media literacy and nuanced analysis.
Introducing the Concept Grants from Sage Doing Research category winner: Y: The Home of LLMs
Introducing the Doing Research category winner for the 2024 Concept Grants from Sage: Y: The Home of LLMs is a versatile digital twin platform that simulates social media dynamics using LLMs, allowing researchers to explore and test social scenarios with realistic, customizable synthetic data.
Introducing the Concept Grants from Sage Learning category winner: educate_R
Introducing the Learning category winner for the 2024 Concept Grants from Sage: educate_R suite simplifies advanced data analysis for social science students and researchers, offering intuitive tools like Data Distillery for data cleaning and visualization.
Annotiva - Developing a Prototype
Annotiva, a 2023 Sage Concept Grant recipient, gives an update on the development of their AI-assisted tool to enhance qualitative coding by predicting ambiguities and improving collaboration among novice researchers.
Gorilla Shop Builder - Concept Grant recipient 2023
Catch up with Gorilla’s Shop Builder 2. Developed after receiving the 2023 Sage Concept Grant, it features a modular design, mobile compatibility, skinnability, and improved customization, enhancing researchers' flexibility and user experience.
BigKnowledge: Not Just a Metaphor
BigKnowledge's BoKMap platform transforms mapping principles into a "GPS for knowledge," visualizing unstructured text data in a map-like form, aiding in document exploration and discovery across various domains. Read more for an update on ths 2023 Concept Grant winning project.
GailBot: The Challenges of Internationalizing, Scaling Up, and Working With Other People’s Data
We check in with GailBot, the £15k Concept Grant winner. Combining ASR and ML to capture paralinguistic features, GailBot has been revamped for wider researcher use. After a week-long UCLA hack session, we’re addressing internationalization and user-driven feature requests, ensuring scalable and versatile transcription. Join our Slack Community for updates!
Sage Concept Grants: Shop Builder from Gorilla
The Shop Builder is a unique product that allows researchers to easily create a simulated and interactive online shop to study consumer behaviour.
Sage Concept Grants: Annotiva
Qualitative researchers face ongoing challenges in consistently identifying and addressing potential ambiguity in collaborative data annotation processes. Annotiva can help.
Sage Concept Grants: Swara
Swara is a web-based/mobile self-completion survey software/application that utilizes voice user interface technology.
Sage Concept Grants: GailBot
GailBot is an automated dialogue transcription tool that uses machine learning and heuristics to annotate essential paralinguistic details of talk such as overlaps, sound stretches, speed changes, and timed silences.
Swahili Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis
The "Swahili Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis" project, funded by a Sage Concept Grant, aims to develop and test a Swahili Lexicon annotated by native Swahili speakers for text mining, particularly sentiment analysis.
Automated Video Analysis
Learn about a Sage Concept Grant winner: Automated Video Analysis software (or AUVANA for short) is an open-source annotation tool for social scientists whose research involves analyzing and annotating videos.
Causal Maps for Data Analysis
Causal Map is a web app dedicated to causal qualitative data analysis. Learn more about this open-access tool, winner of a Sage Concept Grant.
Funding Available for New Software Tools for Social Research
SAGE Publishing is inviting applications for the 2022 SAGE Concept Grant, which provides funding for new software tools for social science research.
Six new software tools supporting research methods in the social sciences awarded SAGE Concept Grants
Learn about new technologies for researchers!
SAGE Concept Grants: Advice for applicants
Interested in applying for a SAGE Concept Grant? We’ve put together the following advice for applicants based on our feedback for previous years’ applicants, and the criteria we’ll be using to judge this year’s applications.
Designing trust relationships in research with Knowsi
Watch the webinar recording and read the follow-up blog from our webinar with SAGE 2020 Concept Grant winner, Andrew Lovett-Barron, on how to design trust relationships with participants in research using Knowsi.