Online research advanced tools: Multiplayer, gamified experiments and shopping simulations with Gorilla

In this webinar, Johanna Tomczak, Research Specialist at Gorilla Experiment Builder, showcases powerful tools like Game Builder, Multiplayer, and Shop Builder. Discover how advanced online research tools are transforming the way behavioral science experiments are conducted! Learn how these tools create engaging, ecologically valid experiments without needing coding skills. Whether you're studying consumer behavior or cognitive processes, these features can help elevate your research by motivating participants and ensuring higher-quality data.

About the Speakers

Johanna Tomczak works as a Research Specialist at Gorilla Experiment Builder. She completed her degree in Mathematics, Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the University of Grenoble (France), before obtaining her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Leeds (UK) in 2022. Her thesis, which examined the impact of bilingualism and ageing on the communication between the cerebral hemispheres, has shown her the benefits of online research and she decided to join Gorilla to work on improving behavioral science as a whole.

Additional Resources

Gorilla Game Builder:

Gorilla Shop Builder (a winner of the 2023 Sage Concept Grant):

Gorilla Grants

For £50 research credit

Gorilla Presents Webinars

BeOnline Conference


Previous Sage Partnered Gorilla Webinars:


+ How can researchers recruit participants for their studies on Gorilla?

Gorilla offers various recruitment services that integrate natively, such as Prolific, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and Sonar systems. If you prefer not to use an external service, you can create a link to your study and share it via social media or email. This method allows anyone with access to the link to participate in your study. Many students prefer this approach as it doesn't involve additional fees.

+ Can Gorilla be used for both qualitative and quantitative research?

Absolutely! Gorilla supports both qualitative and quantitative research. We have a survey tool for creating qualitative surveys, and participants can record responses via webcam. For quantitative research, Gorilla captures reaction times, accuracy, and interaction data, such as mouse clicks. All participant actions are logged as part of the dataset, providing a comprehensive range of data.

+ What research domains can benefit from using Gorilla?

Gorilla can be applied across many domains, including military research, teaching, economics, and security analysis. For example, we’ve had researchers study attention in military pilots using online experiments. The Shop Builder tool is great for examining consumer behavior, and Game Builder allows for gamified research. Social behavior can also be studied using multiplayer features. Gorilla can even simulate websites, such as online shops, to study user interactions and reaction times.

+ How is statistical significance determined when using Gorilla?

Determining statistical significance depends on your specific research design. For example, in a study comparing three different shop designs, you might calculate average reaction times and use ANOVA or t-tests to compare the results across participant groups. While the specifics vary by field, Gorilla provides guides to help users with data analysis.

+ Are there resources available for learning how to create gamified experiments in Gorilla?

Yes, we have a recorded webinar on our website that walks you through setting up a game using Gorilla’s Game Builder tool. This hands-on tutorial explains everything from start to finish. Additionally, our support page contains extensive resources on all Gorilla tools, making it easy to find the information you need.

+ What is Gorilla's fee structure?

Gorilla has a tiered pricing model. It’s free to use for building and testing experiments. When you start collecting data, pricing kicks in, and you're charged per dataset (participant). We offer a pay-as-you-go option or subscription plans for labs and departments. Many UK universities already have subscriptions in place, but pricing details are available on our website if needed.

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Online Research Advanced Tools: Social media & Website simulations with Gorilla