Analyzing Words, Pictures, and Numbers: Summary

This year we are working through the research process. In the first quarter we considered how to start thinking about research design. In the second, we explored ways to collect data. In the third quarter we are considering data analysis and interpretation.

In July 2021 the focus was on Analyzing Words, Pictures, and Numbers.

Mentors in Residence Drs. Jean Breny, Shannon McMorrow and Stephen Gorard contributed their expertise and shared resources.

Looking for a text for a course, recommendations for a researcher you supervise, or reading to boost your own skills? You can order their excellent books with a 30% discount by using the code SAGE30: Photovoice for Social Justice and Making Sense of Statistics.

Posts from Dr. Stephen Gorard

Posts from Drs. Jean Breny and Shannon McMorrow

More posts about Analyzing Words, Pictures, and Numbers

Social Issues Relevant to Researchers

In addition to this month's focus, we continued to feature posts about important contemporary issues important to researchers.


Prepare for Online Interviews


Interpreting Data and Making Claims: Interview with Charles Vanover, Paul Mihas, and Johnny Saldana