Methods Literature as Part of a Review
The process for researching literature on research methods is somewhat different from the process used for researching literature about the topic, problem, or questions. What should we keep in mind when selecting methods literature?
A Case for Teaching Methods
Find an 10-step process for using research cases to teach methods with learning activities for individual students, teams, or small groups. (Or use the approach yourself!)
Teaching Methods with Research Cases
Walk through an example using Dr. Salmons’ eight-step process for teaching with research cases.
Credit where credit is due: The startups, products and organizations giving academics credit for more of their work
It’s all about incentives. The current academic ecosystem incentivises publication in high impact factor journals and grant capture above all else, but there is more to being an academic than producing journal articles and winning grants. Luckily there are an increasing number of initiatives that are helping academics get credit for more of the work they do and increase their broader impact. This post rounds up some of the most interesting efforts.