Why Should Politics and IR Students and Researchers Care About Methods?
Guest post from Christopher Lamont and Mieczyslaw P Boduszynski , authors of Research Methods in Politics and International Relations, on the importance of methodology in PIR research.
AI and literature review: help or hindrance?
The new AI tools for conducting a literature review provide a remarkable resource both for professional researchers and students. They can rapidly scan millions of papers, provide digests and summaries in seconds, link cognate literature, and even draw maps of the literature showing how one piece relates to another.
Resources for Online Interviewers
Suggestions and resources to help you collect data with online interviews.
How to Study YouTube or TikTok Videos
Researchers can easily access user-generated public videos. See this multidisciplinary collection of open access articles about quantitative and qualitative approaches to collecting and analyzing videos from YouTube or TikTok.
Teach and Learn with a Research Case: Understanding Online Discussions of Key Public Health Issues Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
Let’s use this open-access research case to think through the possibilities and potential problems involved with studying blog posts and online discussions.
Collect Data on Social Media
From the moment social media platforms began to welcome user-generated content, researchers have looked for ways to study it. Learn more with open-access articles about social media platforms.
Research questions: Insider/Outsider perspectives
Do you think about research questions as an insider, outsider, or somewhere in between? Why is positionality important in online research?
Conducting my Research From an Island
Doctoral student Sandra Flores discusses her research in Puerto Rico, and what she learned from the experience.
What is “Critical Participatory Inquiry”?
Learn about action and participatory research methods, and ways to design and carry out research with, not on, communities.
New Thinking about Mixed and Multi- Methods
Is it too hard to address problems in our complex world with one type of data? Mixed methods might be the answer. Find explanations and open-access resources in this post.
Methods Literature as Part of a Review
The process for researching literature on research methods is somewhat different from the process used for researching literature about the topic, problem, or questions. What should we keep in mind when selecting methods literature?
Topics, problems, and methodologies
How do researchers make design decisions about the methodology and methods?
Units of Analysis and Methodologies for Qualitative Studies
Learn about connecting the unit of analysis with the qualitative methodology.
Epistemological Questions in Indigenous Research
Read this collection of multidisciplinary articles to explore epistemological questions in Indigenous research.
Finding Researchable Problems
Find suggestions for navigating the problem formulation stage that precedes research design in social science research.
Research Proposals: Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations
This post includes tips about writing qualitative proposals excerpted from Research Design by Creswell and Creswell.
Studying Critical Thinking
Find a collection of open-access articles about ways to apply critical and creative thinking in your research.
When you are the researcher and the participant with autoethnography
What does it mean to be central to your research? In this post we are defining a method that asks researchers to be at the center of their studies, and looking for explanations and examples of autobiography.
Engaging with stakeholders: What can we learn from action researchers?
View the webinar and find a multidisciplinary collection of posts and videos from Alfredo Ortiz Aragón, Rosalind Beadle, Ernie Stringer and their colleagues.
Collaborative feminist research methods in practice
The goals for this collaborative feminist research project were to bring together scholars who had critical methodological lenses, focusing our study through a collaborative feminist methodological lens to explore and address gender-based inequities in higher education institutions. Find the open-access book and toolkit the co-authors created.