Image as data: Automated visual content analysis for social science
Images contain information absent in text, and this extra information presents opportunities and challenges. It is an opportunity because one image can document variables with which text sources (newspaper articles, speeches or legislative documents) struggle or on datasets too large to feasibly code manually. Learn how to overcome the challenges.
Video Data Analysis: How 21st century video data reshapes social science research
Video capture is ubiquitous. What does it mean for researchers, and how can we analyze such data?
Analyzing Video Data: Qualitative
This collection of open-access articles includes qualitative examples of analysis strategies to use with multimedia video data.
Analyzing Visual Data
How do we understand and interpret visual or video data? See these open-access articles for ideas and examples.
Analyzing Photos in Photovoice Studies
Find a collection of open-access articles about analyzing and interpreting photos generated by participants using photovoice mmethods.
Creative, Arts-Based, and Visual Methods for December 2022
Welcome to December 2022 and a focus on creative, visual, and arts-based methods!
When reading a visualization is what we see really what we get?
When reading a visualization, is what we see really what we get? There are a lot of ways that visualizations can mislead us, such that they appear to show us something interesting that disappears on closer inspection. Such visualization mirages can lead us to see patterns or draw conclusions that don’t exist in our data. We analyze these quarrelsome entities and provide a testing strategy for dispelling them.