Qual Data Analysis & Phenomenology
Qualitative data analysis varies by methodology. Learn about approaches for phenomenological studies through this collection of open access articles.
Qual Data Analysis & Narrative Research
Learn about qualitative data analysis approaches for narrative and diary research in these open access articles.
Qual Data Analysis & Ethnography
Ethnography involves the production of highly detailed accounts of how people in a social setting lead their lives, based on systematic and long-term observation of, and discussion with, those within the setting.
Qual Data Analysis & Grounded Theory
Qualitative data analysis varies by methodology. Discover diverse ways to analyze data for grounded theory studies in these open access articles.
Qual Data Analysis & Action Research
Qualitative data analysis varies by methodology. Learn about approaches for action research in these open access articles.
Analysing Politics, Protest, and Digital Popular Culture
How can you study digital culture and activism? Watch this interview with Dr. Lyndon Wray.
Seeing and Hearing the Problem: Using Video in Qualitative Research
Look at the choices of video methods made by authors of four research articles.
Analyzing Video Data: Qualitative
This collection of open-access articles includes qualitative examples of analysis strategies to use with multimedia video data.
Analyzing Video Data: Quantitative
This collection of open-access articles includes quantitative examples of analysis for video data.
Analyzing Visual Data
How do we understand and interpret visual or video data? See these open-access articles for ideas and examples.
Analyzing Photos in Photovoice Studies
Find a collection of open-access articles about analyzing and interpreting photos generated by participants using photovoice mmethods.
Photovoice: An Introduction to the Method and Analysis Tips
How do you analyze data in photovoice studies? Jean M. Breny, Shannon L. McMorrow offer an introduction.
Analyzing Aural and Sound Data
The baby crying next door. Chaotic street life that permeates the apartment. Music. The tone of voices in the interview recording. Whether intentional or not, sometimes important data can be heard. How do we analyze and interpret aural data? These open-access articles offer some examples.
Creative ways to teach from Dr. Gorard
Have you seen Dr. Gorard use card tricks to teach research methods? Watch this video!
The five pitfalls of coding and labeling - and how to avoid them
Whether you call it ‘content analysis’, ‘textual data labeling’, ‘hand-coding’, or ‘tagging’, a lot more researchers and data science teams are starting up annotation projects these days. Learn how to avoid potential pitfalls.
Teaching and Learning Excel for Data Analysis
Don’t have funds for data analysis software? Use Excel! Learn how in this interview with Charlotte Brookfield.
Teaching data analysis? Practical resources for new researchers
What does it all mean? Analysis and interpretation of data are difficult practices to learn. These open-access articles from SAGE journals offer practical how-to steps for new researchers.
From codes to theory-building
Learn what to do when you are faced with next steps after coding qualitative data.
Dr. Stephen Gorard Helps You Understand Statistics
Listen to Dr. Stephen Gorard discuss his no-nonsense approach to statistics.
Analytic Methods: How to Choose Ways of Analyzing Your Data
How do you ensure that your analytic strategy fits the qualitative methodology and methods selected for the study? Watch this recorded presentation and learn from the explanations offered by Dr. Linda Bloomberg and Dr. Janet Boberg.