What articles in Big Data & Society are getting read & cited? The top 10.
What articles attract readers of the Big Data & Society journal? Find a list with links to most-read and cited articles in this open-access journal.
Video interview: Matthew Zook, Managing Editor of Big Data & Society on research relevance
What does Dr. Matthew Zoom, Managing Editor of the Big Data & Society journal, have to say about research relevance?
A collaborative methodology for using comics in research
How can you use comics in research?
What articles in Social Media + Society are getting read & cited? The top 10.
What articles attract readers of the Social Media + Society journal? Find a list with links to most-read and cited articles in this open-access journal.
Video interview: Zizi Papacharissi, Editor of journal Social Media + Society on research relevance
What does Dr. Papacharissi, Editor of the Social Media + Society journal, have to say about research relevance?
Exploring new literature means evaluating research.
Crossing into new literature in unfamiliar fields, disciplines, methodologies, or cultures? Learn to evaluate it!
This Martin Luther King Day, study original sources
Observe Martin Luther King’s birthday by studying his work. Find open access sources, and guidance for for using primary materials in research.
What articles in IJQM are getting read & cited? The top 10.
What articles attract The International Journal of Qualitative Methods readers? Find a list with links to most-read and cited articles in this open-access journal.
Video interview: Linda Liebenberg, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Qualitative Methods on research relevance
What does Dr. Liebenberg, Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Qualitative Methods, have to say about research relevance?
Reflections on Increasing Participation and Rethinking “Whose Knowledge Counts?” in Service Design
Reflections about co-creation in research.
Research Uses for Blogs
Should you blog about your research? What types of academic blogs serve what purpose?
Anthropology from Onsite to Online: Interview with Dr. Margot Wilson
Dr. Margot Wilson describes her experiences from research in rural Bangladesh, to her current research through online interviews and work as a publisher.
Communicate the story of your research using video abstracts
As a researcher, you have an important story to tell, one that can have a positive impact on society. Whether it’s a public health message or a novel technique to share with your peers, everyone is better off when your work is visible.
But academic articles are a tough read and discourage most people. So how do you engage your peers and the public while shining a light on your research?
Methodspace Top 10 2021
In 2021 we focused on stages of the research journey, offering insights from guidance about research design to practical advice aimed at helping researchers write about their work. We wrap up the year with our Methodspace Top 10 most read posts of 2021.
Looking for inspiration for your next scientific conference poster?
A well-designed scientific poster tells everyone in the hall a lot about you: about the way you present your work, about your skills in graphic design, about the amount of effort you put into your story. Your poster is your story!
Teaching Research Design through the Lens of Critical Praxis
If you teach research methods, you will appreciate this learning activity & slides!
Using postcards to support dissemination and to improve practice
Postcards offer a visual opportunity during research and when sharing results.
Share Your Research: Blog and/or Social Media
Academic blogging- what is it and how can it be a part of your publication strategy?