Communicating Research Janet Salmons Communicating Research Janet Salmons

Quiet the Noise: What to Do When You’re Writing Defensively (Part 2)

Dr. Boyd was a panelist for the webinar, How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck. In this post she responds to questions posed by attendees: “How do you get unstuck in writing when someone's negative, hypercritical, or just mean feedback has gotten you stuck?” and “How do you balance or sustain your writing with all the imposter syndrome thoughts coming at you?

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Communicating Research Janet Salmons Communicating Research Janet Salmons

Quiet the Noise: What to Do When You’re Writing Defensively (Part 1)

Dr. Boyd was a panelist for the webinar, How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck. In this post she responds to questions posed by attendees: “How do you get unstuck in writing when someone's negative, hypercritical, or just mean feedback has gotten you stuck?” and “How do you balance or sustain your writing with all the imposter syndrome thoughts coming at you?

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Communicating Research Janet Salmons Communicating Research Janet Salmons

Drifting in Order to Write

Since I am advocating for ways to stay engaged with writing, drifting may seem a strange interlude. Yet, I find drifting to be a vital companion state to writing. For me, usually drifting occurs when I have set aside all devices and am absorbed in some wholly different task, such as gardening, chauffeuring or waiting for children, or simply watching birds congregate at the feeder.

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Janet Salmons Janet Salmons

How to Get Published

Find coming events and recordings of past webinars in this series about getting published.

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