Social work & developmental approaches to Action Research—A conversation with Rosalie Dwyer

The MethodSpace focus for October 2020 was on Action Research. Our Mentors-in-Residence this month were Ernie Stringer and Alfredo Ortiz Aragon, co-authors of a new edition of the text Action Research.


In this video, Ernie Stringer talks with Rosalie Dwyer, a highly experienced and award-winning social worker. They speak to issues related to developmental approaches to action research that are featured in the 5th Edition of the Action Research text.

Rosalie speaks of the importance of developing relationships that are a key feature of developmental work—emphasizing the need to engage people as central participants in any actions to be taken. Ernie extends that to describe how small beginnings may open opportunities to programs of research and development that make a significant difference to people's lives.

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