Methods Literature as Part of a Review
The process for researching literature on research methods is somewhat different from the process used for researching literature about the topic, problem, or questions. What should we keep in mind when selecting methods literature?
Topics, problems, and methodologies
How do researchers make design decisions about the methodology and methods?
Dr. Linda Bloomberg and Dr. Merle Werbeloff discuss methodology with publication options
Learn about research design, doctoral writing, and academic publishing with these posts and recordings from Dr. Linda Bloomberg and Dr. Merle Werbeloff.
Units of Analysis and Methodologies for Qualitative Studies
Learn about connecting the unit of analysis with the qualitative methodology.
Analytic Methods: How to Choose Ways of Analyzing Your Data
How do you ensure that your analytic strategy fits the qualitative methodology and methods selected for the study? Watch this recorded presentation and learn from the explanations offered by Dr. Linda Bloomberg and Dr. Janet Boberg.
Ethnography is a widely used qualitative methodology, growing from roots in anthropology to acceptance in a wide range of disciplines.
Design Strategy: How to Choose a Qualitative Research Design
How do you decide which methodology fits your study? In this dialogue Linda Bloomberg and Janet Boberg explain the importance of a strategic approach to qualitative research design that stresses alignment with the purpose of the study.