Writing Is A Research Method
Dr. Helen Kara discusses ways to use writing as a method - a valuable approach for independent or practitioner researchers.
Studying Risky Behaviors or Settings
Risky or illegal behaviors can be challenging to study - and concerning for researcher safety. See this collection of open access articles for examples.
Sensitive Research and the COVID 19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has created yet more sensitive research concerns. Read this post from Lahman and Brown for suggestions.
Research Across Cultures: Interview with Safary Wa-Mbaleka
Dr. Safary Wa-Mbaleka discusses what he has learned from conducting research and teaching methods in the US, Asia, and Africa.
Online Interviews about Sensitive Topics
How can you interview participants online about sensitive topics? Tips from Janet Salmons, author of Doing Qualitative Research Online.
Compassion Fatigue: The Potential Impact of Sensitive Research on the Researcher
Self-care is essential when collecting data about sensitive issues. See this post from Dr. Maria Lahman for strategies.
Years After Graduating, I Still Rely on Skills Gained from Interdisciplinary Research
Dr. Diringer discusses fieldwork with partners in the Amazon.
Women telling their own stories in action research
Learn about how action researcher Ros Beadle invited Aboriginal women to tell their own stories.
Preparing for Data Collection and Engaging in Interpretation: Making the Familiar Complex
Prepare to analyze and interpret data in qualitative research.
Interview with Daniela Duca on creating SAGE Texti: A free tool for cleaning and pre-processing textual data
Learn about a new free tool from SAGE!
Prepare for Online Interviews
Find a new open access article with tips for online interviews.
Documentary Research in the Social Sciences
This guest post from Dr. Malcolm Tight walks you through key steps for conducting research with documents-- on or offline.
“Deep Surfing”: And, Behold, at Last, the Mighty Immersion Journal—Part 4 of 4
More from Robert Kozinets about creating an immersion journal for your netnography project .
Time, Data, Humanity, and the Doing of Netnography—Part 3 of 4 posts
Read part 3 of a substantive series of posts about netnography from Robert Kozinets.
Post-field and Post-participation: The Post-confusing way to do Social Media Ethnography—Part 2 of 4 posts
In part 2, Robert Kozinets continues to give practical suggestions for research with netnography!
The One Netnography Tool You Should Never Be Without: The Immersion Journal—Part 1 of 4
What is an immersion journal and why should netnographers keep one?
Practical Tips for Getting Started with Harvesting and Analyzing Online Text
How can you collect and analyze text you find online?
Thinking about collecting qualitative data using digital methods? Introducing Tracking and Trawling
Tips for collecting secondary data online.
Watch the MethodSpace Live Webinar: Doing Research Online
Interested in collecting data online from social media or participants? Join this webinar with Luke Sloan and Janet Salmons!
Using Secondary Data (Podcast)
Listen to a podcast about online news as secondary research data.