Data Collection Janet Salmons Data Collection Janet Salmons

Collecting Data in Remote or Rural Communities

Researchers who want to collect data in rural communities face can face challenges. Residents might be spread out, with few locations to meet. They might also have their own cultural norms, which might include suspicious attitudes towards outsiders. This collection of open-access studies offers a wide range of successful methods for including residents from rural settings in your study.

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Data Collection Janet Salmons Data Collection Janet Salmons

Sampling: An Overview

In this post define basic terms associated with sampling for those new to research; in future posts we will go into more detail about the process of developing a sampling strategy, and the various approaches that can be used.

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Data Collection Janet Salmons Data Collection Janet Salmons

Collecting Data with Apps

Researchers can pose questions, suggest prompts, and use tracking or location data on mobile devices. Because people carry smartphones with them, researchers are able to get an on-the-spot, in-the-moment type of response that would otherwise be difficult. Find an overview and a collection of open-access articles about diary methods using smartphone apps.

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Data Collection Janet Salmons Data Collection Janet Salmons

Collect Data: The Q2 Theme

We will explore a variety of options for data collection in Q2 of 2023. The term data collection makes it sounds easy. Like shells on the beach or wildflowers in a field, the data is out there, and as researchers all we have to do is collect it. In reality it is a careful, strategic, often collaborative effort.

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