Could a computational social scientist be your next best hire?
Computational Social Science boils down to Social Scientists using data processing and data science computation tools (think R, Python etc) to analyze data about people and relationships.
Critical & Creative Thinking in Research
Nowhere is the symbiotic relationship of creative and critical thinking more apparent than in the practices inherent to research design, conduct, and dissemination.
SICSS 2018 make all teaching and learning materials open-source
Teaching and learning resources from the 2018 Summer Institute for Computational Social Science have been made free to access online, allowing more people to explore in depth the field of computational social science.
Sharing Story Ownership in Qualitative Research
Whose story do you tell in a study? To whom does the story belong? How do you write a research story?
Letters as Data
Letters are a unique form of narrative. Learn how to use them in your research.
What aspiring data scientists are looking for in hiring companies
"Positions in data science require a unique set of job skills that many professionals simply don’t possess. The level of programming knowledge, understanding of statistics and business sense make for a difficult position to fill. Because of this, many businesses find it difficult to hire appropriately for the position of data scientist." Kayla Matthews gives pointers on ways that companies, looking for data scientists, could stand out in this demanding market for data engineers.
10 Commandments for Critical Thinking
Tom Chatfield offers 10 suggestions, with 10 videos to help you become a better critical thinker.