Change, Flux Pedagogy and Flux Leadership
In this collection of posts, Dr. Sharon Ravitch and her colleagues explore the need for “Flux Methodology” in changing times.
Collecting Data Online in Research with Children
How can you conduct online research with children and youth? Here are some open-access examples.
Children Are Capable and Competent Yet Potentially Vulnerable
Dr. Maria Lahman offers practical advice for anyone interested in studying children, or engaging them as co-researchers.
Research with Older and Elderly Adults
What methods fit studies with older participants? This collection of open-access articles offers a range of options.
Online Research with Children: Cultivating Better Practice with the Beauty of Hindsight
Louise Couceiro discusses lessons learned from an online study conducted with children.
Research with Children and Youth
Thinking about research with children and/or youth? Learn about different types of studies from this collection of articles.
Storytelling in Research
Find posts and open-access articles about storytelling in the data collection stage, and in communication about research that reaches diverse readers.
Creative and Participatory Methods for Studying Youth
This collection of open-access SAGE journal articles show a variety of creative and participatory methods used when studying youth.
We are proud to be researchers with disabilities
The focus of this post is the co-researchers’ journey of working together as a co-operative inquiry research team. They highlight ways in which research can be inclusive and accessible to co-inquirers with intellectual disabilities who are new to research
Include all with Universal Design
Dr. Majbritt Lyck-Bowen used the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines to develop an instructional module she shared in this post: The Relationship between Theory and Practice.
Studying the Experiences of Intellectual Ability and Disability
This collection of open-access articles offers examples of studies by researchers with intellectual disabilities as well as studies that explore new ways of thinking about research with participants who have intellectual disabilities.
Studying Experiences of Physical Disability
This collection of open-access articles offers examples of studies by researchers with disabilities as well as studies that explore new ways of thinking about research with participants who have disabilities.
Is It Time to Believe in the Role of Make-Believe in Young Children’s Developing Self-Regulation?
Dr. Laura Berk discusses methodologies needed to study children and play.
Disability did not impede Ewa Okla’s research.
In this interview Dr. Ewa Okla shares her experience and offers tips (and encouragement) to researchers with physical disabilities.
Considerations for Co-Constructing Research with Older People
In this post Becky De Oliveira discusses lessons learned and practical tips based on her recent doctoral research with older research participants.
Anticipating our ageing futures through speculative fiction: Utopian and dystopian stories as loci for interdisciplinary collaboration
Emma Geen, Matthew Lariviere, and Helen Manchester discuss speculative storytelling workshops as a way to use creativity and collaboration to study attitudes towards ageing.
Studying Ageing and Ageism
Every living person ages, yet ageism persists. This collection of open-access articles includes multidisciplinary studies of aging and ageism.
Journal Spotlight: Management Learning
Learn about the eclectic research featured in the SAGE journal, Management Learning, and read open-access articles.
Research in Business and Practice
This collection of Methodspace posts highlights business research and SAGE journals that relate to the fields of business and management.
Methods in Flux: Emphasis on Emergent Design
Conditions in the world are changing, so researchers need to be responsive to participants. Find a practical, thoughtful post from Dr. Sharon Ravitch.