Image as data: Automated visual content analysis for social science
Images contain information absent in text, and this extra information presents opportunities and challenges. It is an opportunity because one image can document variables with which text sources (newspaper articles, speeches or legislative documents) struggle or on datasets too large to feasibly code manually. Learn how to overcome the challenges.
What to do about missing data?
Tips for dealing with missing data from Dr. Stephen Gorard, author of How to Make Sense of Statistics.
How Standard is Standard Deviation?
Learn more about standard deviation from a paper and presentation from Dr. Stephen Gorard.
Mapping Data with Situational Analysis
Situational analysis invites researchers to explore relationships and patterns in the data by creating visual maps as part of the analytic process. Co-authors of the book on this analytic method presented a webinar - view it here.
Video Data Analysis: How 21st century video data reshapes social science research
Video capture is ubiquitous. What does it mean for researchers, and how can we analyze such data?
Qual Data Analysis & Phenomenology
Qualitative data analysis varies by methodology. Learn about approaches for phenomenological studies through this collection of open access articles.
Qual Data Analysis & Narrative Research
Learn about qualitative data analysis approaches for narrative and diary research in these open access articles.
Qual Data Analysis & Ethnography
Ethnography involves the production of highly detailed accounts of how people in a social setting lead their lives, based on systematic and long-term observation of, and discussion with, those within the setting.
Qual Data Analysis & Grounded Theory
Qualitative data analysis varies by methodology. Discover diverse ways to analyze data for grounded theory studies in these open access articles.
Qual Data Analysis & Action Research
Qualitative data analysis varies by methodology. Learn about approaches for action research in these open access articles.
‘Technological reflexivity’ in qualitative research design
While reflexivity is a concept quite familiar to qualitative researchers, the idea of ‘technological reflexivity’ may be less so. Find information about October 2023 events and articles.
Analysing Politics, Protest, and Digital Popular Culture
How can you study digital culture and activism? Watch this interview with Dr. Lyndon Wray.
Seeing and Hearing the Problem: Using Video in Qualitative Research
Look at the choices of video methods made by authors of four research articles.
Why use Microsoft Excel for Social Research Projects?
How can you use Excel in your data analysis? Charlotte Brookfield explains!
Analyzing Video Data: Qualitative
This collection of open-access articles includes qualitative examples of analysis strategies to use with multimedia video data.
Analyzing Video Data: Quantitative
This collection of open-access articles includes quantitative examples of analysis for video data.
Interview: Speech in the Machine: Generative AI’s Implications for Free Expression
The report from PEN America, Speech in the Machine: Generative AI’s Implications for Free Expression, connects dots that are important to academic writers: intellectual freedom, and protection of intellectual property. Summer Lopez, PEN’s Chief Program Officer for Free Expression agreed to talk about these issues and controversies.
Sage Concept Grants: Shop Builder from Gorilla
The Shop Builder is a unique product that allows researchers to easily create a simulated and interactive online shop to study consumer behaviour.