Partnering Up: Including Managers (and Practitioners) as Research Partners in Systematic Reviews
by Janet Salmons, Ph.D., Research Community Manager for Sage Methodspace
A feature topic in the Sage Organizational Research Methods journal, Rigorous and Impactful Literature Reviews, points to diverse methodologies for conducting review research. Methodspace is highlighting this useful collection with a series of interviews and related resources. Some of the articles are open access, the others are freely available to download until April 12, 2023.
An aha moment!

Has this ever happened to you in the digital era? We have extended online networks of people whose work we admire without having the opportunity to meet face to face. Then a lightbulb goes off and you realize you’re talking with people whose work you have followed for years! That happened in this interview. I have been on the email list for the Network for Business Sustainability for years, and have shared posts and articles with colleagues. Funny thing: one co-author of this article, Tima Bansal, founded this phenomenal organization and the other, Garima Sharma, is the Lead for Co-creation Resources. No wonder the article they wrote for this collection is so interesting! They have walked the talk of meaningful collaboration.
Engaging with stakeholders to learn from the literature
On Methodspace this year we have been exploring ways that stakeholders can be involved in all stages of research. In this interview Dr. Bansal and Dr. Sharma offer valuable, practical steps for engaging with managers, professionals, or practitioners in systematic reviews of the literature. Read their article, “Partnering Up: Including Managers as Research Partners in Systematic Reviews,” to learn more. They wrote about some of the larger ideas discussed in the interview in this open-access article in the Business & Society journal: “Three Different Approaches to Impact: Translating, Cocreating, and Performing.”
Additional resources from Garima Sharma and Tima Bansal
Sharma and Bansal discussed the systematic review project in a blog post and infographic: To Impact Management Practice, Change Research Practice. Watch this video for more about communicating research.
More Methodspace posts about Review Research
Bondy Valdovinos Kaye, co-researcher for “The impact of algorithmically driven recommendation systems on music consumption and production - a literature review,” offers insights about the literature review process.
What is the difference between a literature review and a state of the science review? See an article by Dr. Joan Dodgson.
In this interview David Antons and Oliver Salge discuss the roles humans and machines can take to plan and conduct computational literature reviews.
In this interview Dr. Marc Anderson explains how and why to use citation context analysis to track impact of scholarly publications over time.
In the article “Theorizing Through Literature Reviews: The Miner-Prospector Continuum” Dermot Breslin and Caroline Gatrell pose an intriguing question: do you approach the literature review as a miner or as a prospector? They discuss options in an interview.
How do decide what literature you need for a review? See this post featuring an interview Martin Hiebl and related open-access article about sample selection.
Garima Sharma and Pratima (Tima) Bansal discuss ways to engage with managers, professionals, or practitioners to learn from the literature using a systematic review process.
In this interview Dr. Herman Aguinis and Dr. Ravi Ramani discuss the article they wrote with Dr. Nawaf Alabduljader, “Best-Practice Recommendations for Producers, Evaluators, and Users of Methodological Literature Reviews.”
Find tips for organizing and synthesizing methodological sources for your literature review.
In this interview Dr. Matthew Cronin discusses the article he wrote with Elizabeth George, “The Why and How of the Integrative Review.”
How can you use published literature as data? In this Methodspace interview Dr. David Denyer explains how and why to use review research.
A critical step in planning and designing research entails reviewing literature to situate it in a research tradition.
Want to design and plan a review study? Find open-access examples of systematic reviews, meta-syntheses, meta–analyses, and integrative literature reviews. Also, learn more with related SAGE books.
Review research has become a credible and legitimate form of scientific inquiry in various fields of science including management and organizational sciences. Find open-access articles with practical advice about planning a review study.
Find an open-access guide to archival research and links to archives you can visit online.
What kinds of documents or archived materials fit your study?
Critical appraisal of research papers is a component of everyday academic life, whether as a student as part of an assignment, as a researcher as part of a literature review or as a teacher preparing a lecture. Learn more from this post.