Doing Archival Research: On and Offline
What is archival research like in the digital age? When do you need to visit a physical archives and look through paper documents?
Finding and Using Archives
Find an open-access guide to archival research and links to archives you can visit online.
Researching Lives Qualitatively through Time: Broadening the Evidence
How can you study a question or problem over time?
Getting Started with Archival Research
What is archival research, and why is it useful for social researchers?
Finding Data in Documents and Datasets
What kinds of documents or archived materials fit your study?
The Value of Researching Lives Qualitatively through Time
Learn about qualitative longitudinal research in this post from Bren Neale.
Collecting Data with Interviews
Collecting data sometimes involves questioning, prompting, or working with participants to collect or generate data. We interview Katy Wheeler and Bethany Morgan Brett, authors of a book about interview research, about collecting data with interviews.
What are the Most Common Means for Collecting Data?
Dr. Zina O’Leary discusses ways to collect data.
Theoretical Windows and Conceptual Mirrors: Using Theoretical Frameworks to arm your Conceptual Framework (Part 3)
This post, third in a series by William Thomas, bridges theory and the practice of research.
Creative Methods for supporting social science students in qualitative remote research
Learn about creative methods for collecting data from a co-editor of a new book on the topic!
Action Research: A Collection of Posts
Find the entire collection of posts from the October 2020 series on action research!
Acting to Learn and Learning to Act: Podcast
Listen to a podcast interview with Dr. Alfredo Ortiz Aragón.