Women telling their own stories in action research
Learn about how action researcher Ros Beadle invited Aboriginal women to tell their own stories.
Equitable Research Partnerships instead of Helicopter Research
To do international research equitably requires a change to mind-sets and a change of established practices that have come under scrutiny for being unfair, exploitative, and non-inclusive.
Manage evolving coding schemes in a codebook: Three simple strategies
Find strategies for setting up a codebook for qualitative data analysis.
What kind of researcher are YOU?
Research ethics is about more than filling out the correct form for review. Research ethics is lived practice. An interview with Janet Salmons about ethics and integrity in research practice.
Lessons from the California Management Review
In this interview the editor of the California Management Review offers advice to researchers who want to write for practitioners.
From codes to theory-building
Have you ever been stuck in a morass of codes or themes? Dr. Pat Bazeley offers guidance!