Student Writers’ Groups
Do you want to join or form a student writing group? See these tips from Maria Lahman
View Recording: “Write a Book” Webinar with SAGE Editors
We featured two editors in a webinar about the stages of writing a book. View the recording for Write a Book! From Acquisition to Publication here.
Building Equitable Partnerships in International Research: Q & A
We received many questions in this lively webinar. Watch the recording and read the panel’s responses in this post.
Writing & Publishing Books: Getting Started
The AcWriMo19 focus on MethodSpace was on all stages related to publishing books. First, what is a book? What kind will you write?
Sharing Research with Practitioners – A Roadmap
As researchers, we dream the results we uncover will be able to directly impact the world. Sadly, the people who might actually apply our research findings might not be reading the journals our work is published in.
Collaborative Writing in the Creswell Family
Hear John Creswell and daughter Johanna Creswell Báez discuss their new book, 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher.
Thinking about a journal article? Tips from an editor.
From the archives, an informative interview with the former editor of Management Learning.
Bringing Rigorous Methods to Real-World Problems
There is often an assumption that research can be truly rigorous, or it can be “real world” research, and that the two are somehow mutually exclusive or at polar opposite ends of a spectrum. However, the world is not that black and white, and it is possible to have our cake and eat it, too.
Proposing an Edited Book
How do you propose an edited book? Read this post for some steps.
Thematic Analysis: in conversation with Virginia Braun & Victoria Clarke
Ahead of their webinar on 16th November (GMT), 17th November (NZ) we caught up with Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke to discuss their new book, Thematic Analysis, A Practical Guide, using social media as an academic and changes within qualitative research in Psychology.
Why Write About Writing?
Writing often occurs in isolation, so it can be challenging for novice academics to learn about what goes on behind the scenes. Additionally, mentors such as faculty often have their struggles with writing and may not want to be public about this. Even the most productive author may go through times where little writing gets produced as they strive to balance personal life with academic demands.
Dr. Maria Lahman is our November Mentor in Residence
Meet Dr. Lahman in this video interview! She is the author of the new book, Writing and Representing Qualitative Research, and the relevant text, Ethics in Social Science Research: Becoming Culturally Responsive. She will guide our Academic Writing Month activities with a focus on Making Progress.
Editors’ Roles: Selecting Book Chapters
If you are thinking about editing a book, learn about the action steps involved!
Editors’ Roles: Relating to Chapter Contributors
Want to edit a book? Learn more about the role of the editor.
Why Do Practitioners Need to Know About Research Methods?
Engaging practitioners in research projects.
Academic Writing Month is coming soon!
Get ready to AcWriMo with resources from Methodspace!
Watch the Webinar: Equitable Research Partnerships
View the “Equitable Research Partnerships” webinar recording and read related resources materials.