Scholarly journals: What is next?
How are scholarly journals changing? See interviews with editors and exemplary articles.
Ethics and Research with Practitioners
When researchers conduct studies in professional or organizational settings, whose ethical guidelines should be observed? See this collection of open-access articles for examples.
Research Careers Beyond Academia
Methodspace contributors discuss career experience and offer tips.
The ‘Great Resignation’ as Research Context: Educational, Organizational, and Individual Realities in Flux
The rapidly changing nature of organizational life requires that researchers become newly curious about how shifting societal norms and personal conditions shape our research. See this post from Etienne LeGrand and Sharon Ravitch.
Researching Professional Practice: A Collection of Articles
This multidisciplinary collection of open-access articles offers a variety of perspectives about studying practice, with practitioners.
Practitioners and Researchers: Negotiating and Building Relationships
How can practitioners and academics conduct research together? See this collection of open access articles.
Market or consumer research
One way research tools are used outside academia is in market research. See this collection of open-access articles for examples.
Learning to Put Research into Practice
In this post, Edward Balleisen, Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies and Laura Howes, Director of Bass Connections at Duke University offer practical suggestions for developing project-based courses as a scalable mechanism to providing students the opportunity to apply research skills outside of academia.
Practice As Research: Poetic Inquiry
Join the Practice as Research network of researchers and meet practicing researchers using poetry and other arts media.
Writing Is A Research Method
Dr. Helen Kara discusses ways to use writing as a method - a valuable approach for independent or practitioner researchers.
Writing “Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers”
Dr. Kara discusses the input that helped her craft her new book, “Qualitative Research for Quantitative Researchers.”
Dr. Jan Eichhorn discusses survey research
Dr. Jan Eichhorn offers tips for survey research.
Interdependence Benefits Independent Scholars
Interdependence counters isolation some feel as indie researchers and scholars. Friendship helps, as discussed in this video conversation.
Independent Scholarship: Interview with Ronald Gross
Ron Gross, author of The Independent Scholar’s Handbook offers encouragement and advice to indies.
Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
If you are a researcher accustomed to quantitative methods, listen to Dr. Helen Kara’s discussion about the importance of understanding qualitative research basics.
So What DO I know?: Liberating Inquiry as an Antidote to Doctoral Student Self-Doubt
Moving from being a practitioner to being a scholar is an adjustment!
Funding Available for New Software Tools for Social Research
SAGE Publishing is inviting applications for the 2022 SAGE Concept Grant, which provides funding for new software tools for social science research.