Visual Research with Gillian Rose
In this interview Gillian Rose and Janet Salmons discuss visual methodologies and methods, and the fifth edition of Rose’s important book, Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials.
Ethical Issues in Creative and Visual Research
Images or other creative expressions generated by participants can offer rich sources of data. What are the ethical issues in such studies, and how can we navigate them? Find examples and guidance in this collection of open-access articles.
Using Visual Methods in Research: Podcast and Video Interview
Listen to Suzanne Culshaw and Suzanne Albary discuss visual methods in research.
Emerging Methods: Creative Research Examples
Not all research involves words or numbers. Creative, visual, and arts-based methods are being used in new ways, in many fields of study. Find open-access examples in this post.
The Doll’s Marriage: An Ethnographic Encounter with Rural Children and Childhood
In this post Dr. Qamar discusses the use and interpretation of photographic data.
Student Storytelling Needs Multimodality: Creating Authentic Spaces for Students to Story their Lives
In this post, Sara Johnson reflects on the role of multimodality in student storytelling as it emerges in her work and her research into that work.
Creative Uses of Biographical Research Methods
Dr. Eichsteller and Dr. Howard Davis, co-authors of Biographical Research Methods, discuss varied ways to use these approaches.
Graphical Vignettes for Studying Sensitive Issues
In this interview Daria Khanolainen explains how she used graphic vignettes to study school bullying, and the usefulness of this approach for studying sensitive issues.
How telling one person’s story can represent the voices of many
Marta Eichsteller offers tips for using and writing about biographical methods.
Creative Approaches to Biographical and Life History Interviews
Dig into participants' stories with biographical and life history interviews.
Building Quantitative Skills in Postsecondary Social Sciences Courses
Download the free report from the project, “Fostering Data Literacy: Teaching with Quantitative Data in the Social Sciences.” This report explores two key challenges to teaching with data: helping students overcome anxieties about math and synchronizing the interconnected methodological, software, and analytic competencies.
Creative, Arts-Based, and Visual Methods for December 2022
Welcome to December 2022 and a focus on creative, visual, and arts-based methods!
Academic Writing Month 2022
All the posts for Academic Writing Month 2022 are here on one page!
Collaborative Writing (on a Book about Collaboration!)
Learning while doing: collaborating on a book about collaboration.
Ethical Issues in Academic Writing
Ethical decisions are present throughout the process of academic writing and publishing. This collection of open-access articles offers insights about some of the issues writers face.
Nonbinary Identities, Context, and Academic Writing
Our context and identities influence how we think about our writing practice, our beliefs about time and boundaries, and so many other factors that have a real effect on us as academic writers.
Junk In Your Trunk: What to Do When You Feel Behind in Your Writing
Dr. Boyd was a panelist for the webinar, How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck. In this post she responds to numerous questions posed by attendees, such as: “How to deal with shame about being very behind on a writing project?”
No Bad News: How Anyone Can Create an Easy, Effective Writing Group
Dr. Boyd was a panelist for the webinar, How Academic Writing Coaches Get Unstuck. In this post she responds to a question posed by an attendee: “How do you find a writing group?
Tools for Citation and Publishing from NVivo
In addition to selling their well-known data analysis software, NVivo offers lots of free resources for qualitative and mixed methods researchers. They have a blog, a webinar series, and practical how-to videos. Find resources for academic writers whether or not you use their products.
Writing Groups: A Podcast
In this podcast panelist Leslie Wang discusses “All About Writing Groups” and offers practical tips for organizing your own.