Starting out with qualitative analysis software
Learn some important steps about using Quirkos software for qualitative data analysis.
Planning Tool for Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation
This hands-on post introduces a tool you can use in the analytic stage of a qualitative study.
How to Do Research and Get Published: New Webinar Series
Learn about the new webinar series and register now!
Systematically Coding Qualitative Data
View this video for a series of short presentations about coding in qualitative research.
Meet the Authors: Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Data
Charles Vanover, Paul Mihas, and Johnny Saldaña discuss their excellent book in this lively video interview.
How can you analyze online talk? Researchers demonstrate!
This interview was a show-and-tell about analyzing online talk.
What do researchers need to know about using datasets?
Want to learn more about research with datasets? This curated collection of open-access articles can help you understand defining characteristics, and develop data literacy skills needed to work with large datasets and machine learning tools for managing Big Data sources.
Teaching Students Quants is Hard Enough and Now I Have to Do It on MS Teams!
Professor Julie Scott Jones discusses lessons learned from teaching quantitative research methods online.
Norman Denzin, 1941-2023: The Father Of Qualitative Research
Learn about the father of qualitative research, who passed away recently.
Qualitative Analysis with NVivo
Are you thinking about whether to use CAQDAS, Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS, to manage, code, and assist in the analysis of your qualitative data? Reviewing available software is a good first step, before you decide whether and how to use what technology. In this post, find resources about how to use NVivo - other software options will be considered in additional posts.
Qual Data Analysis with Software
Qualitative researchers often collect large quantities of data that can include visuals or media, audio files or notes from interviews, text or artifacts. Some rely on software to organize, manage, and code data. This use of technology is described as CAQDAS, Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS. Find resources about how to use CAQDAS in this post.
Promoting social justice in qualitative research and empowering early career researchers
Experienced global researchers Safary Wa-Mbaleka and Anna Cohen Miller discuss social justice and qualitative research.
Studying Hip Hop’s Place in History
In the 50 years since hip hop started as African American street music and dance, it has become a global cultural phenomenon enjoyed across the world and studied by scholars. The resources listed here include ethnographic, mixed methods, content analysis, and case study research.
Making Statistics Accessible and Relevant in Politics and IR
After 20 years of teaching research and quantitative methods to students in Political Science in the US, UK, and the EU, Dr. Loveless has developed a teaching method that has resulted in greater student success in statistics in each passing year
Working with population data
Mentor in Residence Stephen Gorard explains how to use population data.
Critical and Creative Thinking in Research: Posts and Resources
Researchers need to dig deeply, think broadly, and use what they learn to create new paths for understanding and addressing problems. Find a variety of perspectives and open-access resources in this collection.
Studying Critical Thinking
Find a collection of open-access articles about ways to apply critical and creative thinking in your research.
Teaching Statistical Analysis? Open-Access Resources about Regression Analysis
Find open-access instructional materials and articles about teaching how to use regression analysis methods.
Coding Qualitative Data
Dr. Helen Kara offers tips for the process of coding qualitative data.
Teaching Approaches to Visualizing Data
Find open-access instructional materials from the course: Data Visualisation in Political Psychology at The University of Sheffield.