Analyzing Published Literature Across Paradigms
How do you read, understand, and critically analyze scholarly articles?
Delving into academic literature is not easy. Being able to find meaning and build foundations for new studies can be a challenge. This a dilemma for novice researchers, and for experienced researchers who are reading studies from unfamiliar disciplines or methodologies. We explored strategies in the webinar you can view below. The Methodspace webinar Analyzing Published Literature Across Paradigms and Disciplines featured experienced panelists:
• Dr. Helen Aveyard and Professor Nancy Preston, co-authors with Professor Morag Farquhar of How to Read and Critique Research (2023). Use the code MSPACEQ223 for a 20% discount, valid through June 2023. See their guest post to learn more.
• Dr. Joan Dodgson, Editor Emerita of the Journal of Human Lactation and author of “What is a State of the Science Research Review?” (2023), and “Critical Analysis: The Often-Missing Step in Conducting Literature Review Research“ (2021). An additional article is available with library access: “Reflexivity in Qualitative Research.”
Additional resources:
Useful Tools, Paid or Free
For systematic reviews:
Rayyan: https://www.rayyan.aiFor coding and analysis of literature, narrative or qualitative data:
Atlas.ti: https://atlasti.comFor managing citations and references:
Literature Reviews
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