Why Should Politics and IR Students and Researchers Care About Methods?
Guest post from Christopher Lamont and Mieczyslaw P Boduszynski , authors of Research Methods in Politics and International Relations, on the importance of methodology in PIR research.
Informed Consent in Online Research with Participants
Informed consent is the term given to the agreement between researcher and participant. In this post Janet Salmons offers suggestions about the intersections of the Internet communications, ethics and participants.
Digital Methods for Social Research: OA Articles
While some types of online research use communication tools to interact with remote participants, digital methods use online approaches to study online phenomena.
Online Experiments
This collection of open access articles offers multidisciplinary examples, guidance, and perspectives about online experimental research.
Avoid Scams, Imposters, and Fraud in Online Research Participation
How do you know online participants are who they say they are? This collection of articles explores the issues - and solutions.
Ethical Dilemmas for Data Collection on Social Media
The wealth of material available online is irresistible to social researchers who are trying to understand contemporary experiences, perspectives, and events. The ethical collection and -use of such material is anything but straightforward. Find open-access articles that explore different approaches.
Ethics & Interview Platforms
How to protect data when recording interviews on videoconference platforms.
Research Ethics in an Ethics-Challenged World
The public is exposed to news stories about bad academic research behavior online. How can we counter this narrative and build credibility?
Interviews on Videoconference Platforms
There are lots of questions to consider when using videoconference platforms for scholarly interviews.
Collect Data on Social Media
From the moment social media platforms began to welcome user-generated content, researchers have looked for ways to study it. Learn more with open-access articles about social media platforms.
Design and Data Collection with Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby
Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby, co-authors of the book Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters, discuss how to make decisions about what qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods data to collect and how to do so. This post is the third of a three-part series of posts that feature ten author interviews.
Slow Ontology 2.0 as Inspiration for Methodological Approaches
What if we didn’t have to go fast to do our academic work and research? What if we could embrace the spaces and places around us to slow down? What could that mean for us personally, professionally, and in how we relate to social justice and ecological issues?
Design and Methodology with Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby
Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby, co-authors of the book Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters, discuss how to make decisions about methodology in this collection of video interviews. This post is the second of a three-part series of posts that feature ten author interviews.
Research in Education and Psychology: Focusing on Root Causes and Increased Justice
Chart research directions that take you to the roots of the problem. Learn more in this guest post from Dr. Donna Mertens.
Thinking About Research Design with Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby
We need to think about research before we design and conduct it.
Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby, co-authors of the book Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters, discuss the first three chapters in these video interviews:
Chapter 1 – Research Design: What You Need to Think About and Why
Chapter 2 – Ethical Issues in Research Design
Chapter 3 – Developing Your Research Questions
Methods Literature as Part of a Review
The process for researching literature on research methods is somewhat different from the process used for researching literature about the topic, problem, or questions. What should we keep in mind when selecting methods literature?
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: An Emerging Tool in Research
Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) enables researchers to model and estimate complex cause-effects relationship models
Topics, problems, and methodologies
How do researchers make design decisions about the methodology and methods?
What are the principal preoccupations of researchers employing qualitative methodologies?
In-depth comprehension and interpretation of social events, human experiences, and behaviours are often the main goals of qualitative researchers. Learn about the primary concerns of qualitative researchers in this guest post by Pinaki Burman.
Research Road Mapping
Research can often feel like an overwhelming process. If you are a novice researcher, there can be a lot of new terminology to learn too. This is where research road mapping can help!