Studying LGBT+ Lived Experiences
For Pride Month 2023, learn respectful ways to study LGBTQ+ people and related issues.
Moving From Praxis To Power: Innovative Pre-Institute Marks The Return of SICSS-Howard/Mathematica
The first Summer Institute in Computational Social Science held at a Historically Black College or University, returns to Howard University for its two-day pre-institute, Praxis to Power for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and beginning faculty who needed more time to practice computational methods.
Positionality and Data Collection
Learn about the implications of insider, outsider, or mixed positions, and the importance of transparency with your readers.
Collecting Data with Games
In our digital world, one way to engage with others is through games. Find a collection of examples of research uses for interactive games.
Collecting Data in Remote or Rural Communities
Researchers who want to collect data in rural communities face can face challenges. Residents might be spread out, with few locations to meet. They might also have their own cultural norms, which might include suspicious attitudes towards outsiders. This collection of open-access studies offers a wide range of successful methods for including residents from rural settings in your study.
What does it mean to “decolonize” research?
We can’t go back and change the past, but we can choose how we move forward. Find a collection of Methodspace posts, articles, webinar recordings and interviews.
Swahili Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis
The "Swahili Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis" project, funded by a Sage Concept Grant, aims to develop and test a Swahili Lexicon annotated by native Swahili speakers for text mining, particularly sentiment analysis.
Engaging with stakeholders: What can we learn from action researchers?
View the webinar and find a multidisciplinary collection of posts and videos from Alfredo Ortiz Aragón, Rosalind Beadle, Ernie Stringer and their colleagues.
Automated Video Analysis
Learn about a Sage Concept Grant winner: Automated Video Analysis software (or AUVANA for short) is an open-source annotation tool for social scientists whose research involves analyzing and annotating videos.
Using Secondary Data in Mixed Methods is More Straight-Forward Than You Think
Learn about using mixed methods with secondary data.
Creating a Culture of Inquiry in the Classroom
How can you create a culture of active learning and inquiry in your classroom?
Collaborative feminist research methods in practice
The goals for this collaborative feminist research project were to bring together scholars who had critical methodological lenses, focusing our study through a collaborative feminist methodological lens to explore and address gender-based inequities in higher education institutions. Find the open-access book and toolkit the co-authors created.
Action research for student teachers … not as neat a tidy as we might hope
Colin Forster and Rachel Eperjesi co-authors of the second edition of Action Research for Student Teachers offer tips for researchers who want to study children in classroom settings.
Participatory Action Research as a Tool for Decolonising Research
Decolonisation is not a peripheral but central concern to social research for change. Learn more from Caroline Lenette, author of Participatory Action Research: Ethics and Decolonization.
What’s afoot in the Qualitative AI space?
AI is here to stay and clearly has an impact on the practice of qualitative data analysis. Christina Silver explains!
Using Inquiry Models to Learn How to Ask Questions
Ideas about active learning help students develop the questioning skills needed to be a researcher.
Design Thinking and Research
In this research conversation with Janet Salmons, Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby discuss the importance of an iterative, design-thinking approach to research.
Causal Maps for Data Analysis
Causal Map is a web app dedicated to causal qualitative data analysis. Learn more about this open-access tool, winner of a Sage Concept Grant.
Generating Data with Autoethnography
What is autoethnography? How do researchers study their own experiences? See this post for definitions and open-access articles that explore this qualitative method for collecting data.
Research and Work-Life: Stress, Anxiety, and Self-Care
May is Mental Health Awareness Month - a good time to pay attention to wellbeing. Given the stresses on academia, it is more important than ever to find time for self-care.