Research questions: Insider/Outsider perspectives
Do you think about research questions as an insider, outsider, or somewhere in between? Why is positionality important in online research?
Anonymizing Qualitative Data
Qualitative researchers often collect very personal data, whether in interviews or in narratives, diaries, or other records that depict their experiences. One way to protect their identities is by changing their names, and anonymizing the data.
Collect Data with Online Surveys
When survey tools were first available online, it seemed like the process of data collection would get much easier. Find open-access articles and author interviews.
Design and Data Collection with Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby
Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby, co-authors of the book Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters, discuss how to make decisions about what qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods data to collect and how to do so. This post is the third of a three-part series of posts that feature ten author interviews.
Slow Ontology 2.0 as Inspiration for Methodological Approaches
What if we didn’t have to go fast to do our academic work and research? What if we could embrace the spaces and places around us to slow down? What could that mean for us personally, professionally, and in how we relate to social justice and ecological issues?
Compassion, Community, Care and Collaboration in Research
Anna CohenMiller helps us drawing on the 4C's of research: Compassion, Community, Care and Collaboration into our research praxis to develop as individuals and researchers.
Conducting my Research From an Island
Doctoral student Sandra Flores discusses her research in Puerto Rico, and what she learned from the experience.
Approaches to Supervision
Sage Research Methods Community posts about mentors and mentoring
Design and Methodology with Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby
Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby, co-authors of the book Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters, discuss how to make decisions about methodology in this collection of video interviews. This post is the second of a three-part series of posts that feature ten author interviews.
What is “Critical Participatory Inquiry”?
Learn about action and participatory research methods, and ways to design and carry out research with, not on, communities.
Early Intervention: Helping high degree researchers thrive throughout candidature
Susan Gasson, Jillian Blacker, Ian Stoodley, Abbe Winter and Christine Bruce edited a new open access book, Confident Supervisors, to meet this need.
Toward the Mainstream Teaching of Social Network Analysis
“Learning about networks, therefore, is to learn key intellectual and empirical skills for navigating through complexity – this descriptor that permeates the world of the 21st century.” Learn more in this guest post from Ion Georgiou.
New Thinking about Mixed and Multi- Methods
Is it too hard to address problems in our complex world with one type of data? Mixed methods might be the answer. Find explanations and open-access resources in this post.
Research in Education and Psychology: Focusing on Root Causes and Increased Justice
Chart research directions that take you to the roots of the problem. Learn more in this guest post from Dr. Donna Mertens.
Privileges Must Be Shared: Let's Stop Tokenizing the Wisdom of Practice
In this guest post Jane Shore and Sarah Singer Quast remind us of the importance of bridging research and practice, and give specific recommendations.
Writing Across Qualitative Research
by Maria Lahman, Ph.D. and Tyler Kincaid Ph.D., panelists for the How to Do Research and Get Published webinar, “How to write a paper: Qualitative methodology” share their insights.
Recent Advances in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: Disclosing Necessary Conditions
Learn about options available in the dynamic landscape of emerging methodological extensions in the PLS-SEM field is the necessary condition analysis (NCA).
From Social Science to Data Science
How can you use data science in social science research? Find an interview with the Oxford Internet Institute’s Dr. Bernie Hogan and lots of useful resources in this post.
Thinking About Research Design with Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby
We need to think about research before we design and conduct it.
Julianne Cheek and Elise Øby, co-authors of the book Research Design: Why Thinking About Design Matters, discuss the first three chapters in these video interviews:
Chapter 1 – Research Design: What You Need to Think About and Why
Chapter 2 – Ethical Issues in Research Design
Chapter 3 – Developing Your Research Questions
Conduct a reference search and format your reference section
Conduct a reference search and format your reference section was offered as part of the How to Do Research and Get Published webinar series. Watch the recording and find lots of useful resources in this post.