Analyzing Qualitative and/or Quantitative Data
Written By Janet Salmons
by Janet Salmons, PhD Research Community Manager for Sage Methodspace

Let’s walk through the stages of the research process.
In Q1 of 2023 we started by exploring how to define research questions and problems, and design a study. In Q2 we looked at ways to collect data. In Q3 we’ve been focusing on how to analyze and interpret data. Today’s researchers collect visual and aural data, images and media, text from individuals or massive collections from datasets, so the analytic stage requires careful thought, skills, and tools. Find the collection of posts, interviews, open-access articles, and instructional resources here! Use the code MSPACEQ423 for a 20% discount on books purchased from Sage through December 2023.
Qualitative Data Analysis

Q3, Andrea Bingham, October 2023, Qualitative Data Analysis, Reasoning
Analysing complex qualitative data - a brief guide for undergraduate social science research
Q3, Andrea Bingham, October 2023, Qualitative Data Analysis, Reasoning
Q3, Andrea Bingham, October 2023, Qualitative Data Analysis, Reasoning
August 2021, Creative Methods, Mentors-in-Residence, Charles Vanover, Paul Mihas, Johnny Saldaña, Qualitative Data Analysis, Qualitative, Q3, August 2023
Emerging, May 2021, Author Interviews, Collecting Data from Electronic or Paper Documents, Trena Paulus, Alyssa Wise, Q3, July 2023, Qualitative Data Analysis
Quantitative Data Analysis
Teaching or Guiding Researchers about How to Analyze and Interpret Data