Writing The Ethnography Quartet
Between 2015 and 2022 Paul Atkinson produced four books about ethnography. How and why did that happen, and what did he want to achieve? Learn about this quartet of books.
Equity-Focused Research Dissemination Planning
Applying an equity focused lens specifically to reporting and dissemination necessitates a careful and deliberate approach. Learn more in this post!
Disseminating Research with an Equity-Focused Lens
Learn about disseminating research with an equity lens in this guest post from the CTE Research Network Equity Working Group.
Academic Writing with Pen in Hand
Sometimes taking a break from the keyboard to write by hand unleashes creativity.
Finding gems in limited data: How we went from “ungeneralizable” to valuable findings
How do you find gems in a research project when the data is too thin for generalizations? In this post researchers discuss creative ways to learn from (and write about) the experience.
Academic Writing in Different Disciplines
This post from Dr. Alex Baratta explains different approaches to academic writing and offers practical guidance.
Researchers collaborate to be PREPARED for the next global crisis
Given the difficulties that emerged with the global Covid pandemic, the European Commission funded the PREPARED project. The aim of the project is to develop an ethics and integrity framework to guide researchers working to prevent and address large-scale crises. Find meeting reports, recordings, and related posts.
Become a Productive Academic Writer
Get ready for #AcWriMo! Find a checklist that will help you overcome obstacles that keep you from making progress with academic writing.
Write Reflectively: Reflective Development
Writing is often a solitary activity. However, reflection with others is a key part of understanding how to develop and define ideas from text. Learn more in this post.
AcWriMo 2023: More than a Month!
In 2023 academic writers have more than the usual number of issues to contend with, so we will tackle writing, presenting, and disseminating research for three months! From October through December, find posts, interviews, curated collections of open-access resources, and webinars!
Analyzing Qualitative and/or Quantitative Data
The focus for Q3 of 2023 was on analyzing and interpreting qualitative and quantitative data. Find all the posts, interviews, and resources here!
What is randomness?
Dr. Stephen Gorard defines and explains randomness in a research context.
The power of prediction
Mentor in Residence Stephen Gorard explains how researchers can think about predicting results.
Part Two: Equity Approaches in Quantitative Analysis
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Equity Framework approach draws high-level insights from this body of work to inform equity in data analysis that can apply to groups of people who may face systemic barriers to CTE participation. Learn more in this two-part post!
Part One: The Need for Equity Approaches in Quantitative Analysis
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Equity Framework approach draws high-level insights from this body of work to inform equity in data analysis that can apply to groups of people who may face systemic barriers to CTE participation. This is part 2, find the link to part 1 and previous posts about the Equity Framework.
Teaching and learning quantitative research methods in the social sciences
Instructional tips for teaching quantitative data analysis.
How can we judge the trustworthiness of a research finding?
In an era of rampant misinformation and disinformation, what research can you trust? Dr. Stephen Gorard offers guidance!
Analysing complex qualitative data - a brief guide for undergraduate social science research
Learn how inductive and deductive styles of reasoning are used to interpret qualitative research findings.